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Tenders now closed (800 x 150)

As the local government procurement partner, we know that Queensland councils need more support and better access to suppliers. And local suppliers need more work – now more than ever! Knowing this, we have invested heavily in technology, processes and resources to open Arrangements every quarter.

Our tenders open every three months to invite more local suppliers to become pre-qualified. This initiative is an Australian first, possibly global first, advancement in procurement. Not only does it give local businesses more opportunities, but it helps councils get their work done quickly.

Tenders open:


opening on the 1st and closing on the 28th


opening on the 1st and closing on the 31st


opening on the 1st and closing on the 31st


opening on the 1st and closing on the 22nd

PLEASE NOTE: If you are an existing supplier, you are NOT required to re-apply each time tenders open unless you would like to be appointed to a new Arrangement, or a new category within an Arrangement to which you are already appointed.

Supplier Information     FAQ - Become a Supplier     Find an Arrangement     Apply Here

What happens after you apply?

The Tender ProcessIt can take 2-3 months to become a pre-qualified supplier on our Arrangements, once you've submitted a tender application. 

Month 1 - Arrangements Open

Arrangements are open for the entire month for suppliers to tender. This is where you will respond to a series of questions that will inform us about who you are and the scope of service / goods you provide.

Month 2 - Evaluation

A team of internal and external evaluators are now assessing your submission. Please keep an eye out in your inbox for any clarifications (additional questions) we may have about your information.

Month 3 - Appointment

Once your submission is assessed and deemed successful, you will be invited to be appointed to the arrangement. Once appointed (and all relative insurances loaded) you may commence trading as a Local Buy pre-qualified supplier.