Jeremy Walker
- Balonne Shire Council
- Banana Shire Council
- Barcaldine Regional Council
- Barcoo Shire Council
- Blackall-Tambo Regional Council
- Boulia Shire Council
- Brisbane City Council
- Bulloo Shire Council
- Bundaberg Regional Council
- Central Highlands Regional Council
- Diamantina Shire Council
- Fraser Coast Regional Council
- Gladstone Regional Council
- Goondiwindi Regional Council
- Gympie Regional Council
- Livingstone Shire Council
- Longreach Regional Council
- Maranoa Regional Council
- Murweh Shire Council
- Norfolk Island Regional Council
- North Burnett Regional Council
- Paroo Shire Council
- Quilpie Shire Council
- Rockhampton Regional Council
- Southern Downs Regional Council
- Toowoomba Regional Council
- Western Downs Regional Council
- Winton Shire Council
- Woorabinda Aboriginal Shire Council

Jeremy has an on-going passion for equipping, inspiring and encouraging people to realise a greater potential and achieve excellence across a diverse range of sectors. Jeremy’s experience in local government, membership based organisations and not-for-profits, as well as private and public organisations, provides him with the knowledge and skills to build ongoing valuable relationships with councils.
Jeremy is here to help councils access and leverage the full value of Local Buy procurement services and technology in order to maximise the benefit for their operations and communities
Jeremy covers Tasmania and the following Central and Southern Queensland councils:
Connect with Jeremy on Linkedin HERE, on 0457 376 368 or via the “email” option above