What is the value I receive being an approved Local Buy Supplier?
Through Local Buy, suppliers have access to the necessary resources and support to enable them to work efficiently and collaboratively with councils during the procurement process.
Below outlines the many benefits our approved suppliers receive by being on Local Buy Arrangements:
Local Buy Approved Supplier Badge for marketing purposes.
Local Buy Verification Statement.
Category Manager updates about our arrangements.
Brand exposure on the Local Buy website and in VendorPanel.
Dedicated Customer Success Managers here to support your business.
Education and learning opportunities on ‘how to do business with government’
Dedicated procurement platform - providing access to the broader local government market and beyond.
10% discount in advertising with LGAQ’s local government news publication ‘Council Leader’.
A variety of opportunities to promote and network your business and improved visibility of your business.
Access to Local Buy News – a monthly communication promoting and enhancing procurement in Local Government.
Supplier Intelligence badges - enables purchasers to identify you as a local business, indigenous enterprise or social trader.
Arrangements open every 12 weeks, meaning as your business grows you can apply for other categories or arrangements.