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Local Buy is built on a proud legacy of working together with local and State government in Queensland.  Owned by the Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) we were established to meet the needs of government, reducing risk, time and costs associated with the procurement process.

With a team of procurement specialists and over 15 years of procurement experience we understand government.  Our knowledge of government legislation can assist you to achieve an outstanding result in your procurement. We are now expanding our business and offerings for our stakeholders.

Having recently been accepted as a preferred supplier, offering professional services to State government, Local Buy will have the opportunity to utilise more of our team’s expertise.  The Professional Services Standing Officer Arrangement for Procurement and allows us to provide the following services:

  • Strategic Sourcing and Procurement Advisory Services
  • Tender Procurement Services
  • Category and Contract Management Services

Some key projects which show our diversity and ability to undertake these services include:

Procurement review for Moreton Bay Regional Council
Joint council procurement of electricity at large sites for 14 Queensland councils
Contract management training for Toowoomba Regional Council

 With clients that include: Queensland local and State government, government owned corporations, local governments in other states, federal government, schools and universities, statutory bodies and not-for-profit organisations we have the knowledge and the know how to assist you now and into the future.

For further information on this arrangement, contact Local Buy on

Local buy professional services