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Peter mifsudPeter commenced as chief executive officer for Peak Procurement (inc Local Buy) in July, bringing to Peak Services significant experience including senior legal and commercial roles in both public and private practice as well as executive general manager appointments at the ATO, Crown Law, BHP Billiton and Origin Energy. Peter is a native of Mackay and has worked extensively with regional Queensland communities across the State through his roles at BHP Billiton and Origin Energy.

Having held Profit & Loss responsibility in complex portfolios across national and international jurisdictions, Peter has extensive experience in all facets of procurement and supply chain operations, commercial negotiations and advice, project and financial management and organisational strategy and design. 

He holds undergraduate and post graduate qualifications in law and commerce, as well as post graduate qualifications in public administration and procurement.

Peter has successfully delivered innovation programs with significant value realisation and looks forward to employing his experience and knowledge to making a real difference in the marketplace for our members.

When asked why he chose Marketplace Services Peter said, “I am excited to be working with an organisation that genuinely seeks to innovate. An organisation that is willing to explore different operating models and technical solutions to create an effective marketplace offering in the challenging local government environment.”

“We acknowledge this is not going to be easy, but we see significant value for our clients in getting it right.”

Marketplace Services, encompassing the existing Local Buy Services, has been established to transition a growing Local Buy to a ‘Next Gen’ procurement service. Working closely with the LGAQ Sherlock team to pilot new technical platforms such as blockchain, Marketplace aims to broaden its functionality and value proposition for members.  

Additionally, comprehensive reviews and improvement of current pre-approved panels - with the expectation of increased regional panels - will underpin the continued success of Local Buy’s offerings.

 “We will do this by listening to our stakeholders and ensuring we understand their challenges. We want to know what you are looking for, and partner with you to address councils’ needs. Identifying and supporting regional vendors and promoting compliance to our social responsibilities will form part of that solution,” said Peter.

“My team and I are passionate about working differently and diligently to find better ways to deliver effective procurement services.

The evolution of Local Buy through digital and technical solutions will continue to see Marketplace Services offer LGAQ members the support and innovation required by ensuring its offerings remain forward looking, relevant and valuable