Supporting our Suppliers through COVID-19 - new incentives and opportunities
As one of our valued suppliers, we appreciate that you are operating in unprecedented times. That's why Local Buy is introducing a number of incentives and opportunities to support you.
As part of this package, eligible Queensland small business suppliers will receive financial relief through the Small and Regional Business’ Support Package. Eligible suppliers will have their administration fees waived in the 2021 financial year and a credit provided for rebates relating to work performed and invoiced between 1 July and 30 September 2020 inclusive. You will be able to apply via the VendorPanel from 22 May 2020. Eligible businesses are those located in Queensland with less than 20 employees or a turnover of less than $2 million projected for the 2020 financial year.
In addition to this, we are working hard to expand our client-base to bring you as many opportunities as possible. We are excited and pleased to announce that we are working to secure partnerships with large corporate entities across Queensland. This fantastic opportunity to expand your business into new areas will be available to all suppliers unless they opt out by email. Suppliers who opt out will not be eligible to receive request for quotes from large corporate entities under Local Buy's arrangements.
We are also inviting suppliers who have recently expanded their service offerings to tender to provide additional services. You can tender to expand your goods and services offering via the VendorPanel. Refreshed tenders are being released on a fortnightly basis so please check regularly.
To further assist with supplier cash flow and ease of administration, we will be moving to monthly sales reporting from 1 July 2020. Additional information about this transition will be provided closer to that date.
Local Buy is looking forward to further promoting our suppliers to our ever increasing broad range of clients and providing as many opportunities as possible. We appreciate you as a Local Buy supplier and value the services you offer.
Should you wish to discuss any of the above matters, please reach out to Local Buy on 1800 LB HELP (1800 524 357).