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10% off Council Leader Advertising for Local Buy Suppliers

Council Leader (302 350) Aug 2023

Published since 1969, Council Leader magazine has become Queensland local government’s number one communication tool. As the official publication of the Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ), the Council Leader has become a trusted, ‘must-read’ source within the local government sector.

With over 2,250 physical copies distributed per issue and a combined audience of 12,000+ digital and print readers, Council Leader reaches the top tier of the industry, including mayors, councillors, CEOs, town planners, federal and state parliamentarians, and purchasing and procurement officers.

Local Buy has partnered with Council Leader to provide your business a unique chance to shine, and a golden opportunity to showcase what you do best!

Now is the time to put your business in front of key personnel within councils by utilising this opportunity to receive 10% off the regular price when you use the code LOCALBUY25 and display the Local Buy Pre-Qualified Supplier Logo.Council Leader stats




Please contact Alan Kirk at Council Leader magazine for more information:

Quote LOCALBUY25 to receive this offer