ICT Solutions & Services arrangement released for tender
This arrangement is due to be released for tender Saturday 30 March 2019. The arrangement is intended to provide councils in Queensland, Tasmania, and the Northern Territory, with continued easy access to ICT goods and associated services.
It provides a streamlined procurement process, allowing councils to obtain competitive pricing from competent, reliable suppliers through a select Request for Quote rather than an open tender for engagement of any value, resulting in significant time and cost savings. The process is compliant with the Queensland Local Government Act 2009 and Local Government Regulation 2012.
The range of products and services are categorised as follows:
- Hardware - Traditional ICT computing devices, audio visual equipment, network equipment, and hardware that supports or enhances the operation of ICT equipment.
- Software & Licensing - Software solutions that may be delivered as a service over the internet or installed locally on a Councils hardware. May also include access licensing for software solutions.
- Virtual / Cloud - Cloud or virtual infrastructure that is delivered across or accessed via a network or the internet.
- Business Systems - Software which can be used by Councils to better manage various business functions. In addition to a core Financial Management System, Councils may deploy various add-on modules which provide additional functionality.
- Security - Products or solutions that are specific to securing a Councils operating environment from cyber security threats.
- Consultancy - Services to deliver on a statement of works relating to the use of ICT solutions to achieve business objectives.
- Managed Services - Services where the Supplier agrees to provide a business or ICT capability to an agreed level of performance or service.
For more information contact:
Local Buy’s Category Manager on enqiry@localbuy.net.au