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The Independent Social Enterprise Network Logan hosted their third Social Enterprise Expo at the Kingston Butter Factory, in Kingston on Friday 10 November.


The aim of the Expo was to showcase social enterprises, business for purpose, not-for-profit organisations, social innovators and cause driven traders in Logan and surrounding areas.

Local Buy was proud to sponsor the Expo for the third year running, to raise social enterprises’ awareness of the opportunities for them to source goods and services via the Local Buy contracts, and to consider becoming Local Buy suppliers.

Representatives from more than 30 organisations gathered in the ButterBox Theatre to hear from Logan City’s Mayor, Luke Smith, who opened the Expo.  Councillor Smith strongly encouraged the audience to consider becoming Local Buy suppliers as this would enable Logan City Council to buy goods and services from them direct, without having to go to tender.  Using Local Buy contracts is an exception, under the Local Government Regulation 2012 to the requirement for Councils to seek tenders and quotes, unless a Council’s Procurement Policy deems otherwise.

Attendees interacted with a range of speakers on various topics relating to social enterprise. Speakers included Peter Wolff, from Evolve Collaborative, who used a live polling app to gather audience members’ views on several issues relating to social enterprises.  Jody Hamilton from LIFT Social Enterprise spoke on LIFT’s success as a youth employment agency providing work-readiness training, pastoral support and resources to young people in New Zealand’s Hawke’s Bay region.  Linda O’Brien, Pro Vice Chancellor and Head of Logan Campus for Griffith University provided an overview of potential projects and courses that support the Logan campus’ connection with the broader community to create work-ready graduates and foster opportunities for local innovation.  Logan City Councillors Russell Lutton and Steve Swenson also spoke at the Expo.

Artist Deb Jones created a mural that extended along the side wall of the Theatre, and then interpreted the mural as a creative way of wrapping up the Expo,

Local Buy urges Councils to ensure charitable and not-for-profit organisations in their areas are aware that they are eligible to source goods and services through Local Buy contracts.  In the past 12 months, 23 charitable or not-for-profit organisations have done just that, with the Telecommunications; Plant, Machinery and Equipment; and Legal Services contracts being the most popular.

Visit Facebook for more information on the Independent Social Enterprise Network - Logan: