Tool Box

Councils using Local Buy LGA arrangements have easy access to hundreds of pre-qualified suppliers, in a wide range of works categories, located across Queensland. 

In times of natural disaster the below arrangements can be utilized to aid in preparation for, and recovery from, natural disaster events. They include a broad range of relevant project management, design, estimating and construction activities to assist councils.

  • Engineering & Environmental Consultancy Services (BUS262)
  • Planning, Surveying, Design and Architectural Services (BUS265)
  • Road, Water, Sewerage and Civil Works (BUS270)
  • Project Management Services (Civil Infrastructure) (LB279)
  • Asset Management Services (LB280)

Local Buy LGA Arrangements are a valid procurement exception under the Local Government Regulation and can be easily accessed through VendorPanel.

1. NDRRA Administration
(Provision of supporting evidence)

  • Activation of applications
  • Initial expenditure estimates
  • Documentation and audit trails
  • Evidence of event related damage - EXIF metadata, GPS coordinates and time/date taken
  • Records of actual expenditure and repair/replacement activities undertaken for each asset

2. Restoration of Essential Public Assets

  • Emergent works
  • Restoration works
  • Restoring assets to current building and engineering standards


3. Asset Condition Assessments (Pre & Post Disaster)

  • Undertake surveys to provide evidence of asset condition (pre-disaster)
  • Allows council to demonstrate damage incurred as direct result of the disaster

4. Disaster Mitigation Strategy Development

  • Queensland Reconstruction Authority may require evidence of natural disaster mitigation strategies in respect of likely or recurring disasters
  • State assistance may be reduced if Councils have not developed and implemented appropriate strategies

Connect with Pat to find out more about our works-related Arrangements.


Download Brochure.

Pat McCormack
Category Manager - Works
0447 083 438

Disaster Recovery