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Local Buy Arrangements help Queensland councils deliver capital works projects on time and on budget.

Record capital works budgets are going to stretch local suppliers and supply chains this financial year. Ensure you meet your June 30th delivery timelines by engaging with local suppliers early. Making use of LGA Arrangements reduces response times and gets shovel ready projects moving.
After a significant investment into process, resources and compliance Local Buy Arrangements have transformed to better support councils and the suppliers that are local to them.

How can Local Buy Arrangements help you deliver on your commitment to economic recovery?

Competitive pricing - We have already put a lot of effort into pre-negotiating our Arrangements by implementing discount regimes and maximum caps on pricing , but you can still further negotiate based on your scope.

Speed to market - Engage pre-qualified suppliers through a RFQ process instead of having to undergo an open market tender. 

Diverse range of local suppliers - With more being added every 3 months, tenders are now open four times a year, giving local suppliers more opportunities to join our Arrangements. 

Advanced compliance rigor - All of the suppliers on our Arrangements undergo a rigorous pre-qualification process to ensure they meet legislative requirements. Engaging a supplier through a Local Buy LGA Arrangement established under s.234 meets councils quotation and tendering requirements.


How to engage suppliers on Local Buy Arrangements:

>    Nex Gen Ecosystem - If your council is utilizing Nex Gen to engage with suppliers, you simply access the Local Buy lists through the portal and request a quote. The LGA mapping tool enables you to be able to identify pre-qualified suppliers which are local to you.

>    Directly - By quoting the Local Buy Arrangement number on any RFQ's via email or phone.


What Arrangements are available?

Engineering, Environmental & Waste Management Services
Category Manager:
Debbie Spann

>    Engineering and Environmental BUS262 - Aviation, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Geotechnical/Geological, Quarry Management, Structural, Traffic & Transport, Water & Sewerage & much more.
>    Planning, Surveying, Design & Architecture BUS265 - Urban Development, Regional & Rural Planning, Infrastructure & Services Planning, Land & Cadastral Surveying, Engineering Surveying, Mapping Surveying, Architectural Design, Landscape Design, Interior Design, & much more.


Civil Infrastructure, Works & Asset Management 
Category Manager:
Nicola Burgess

>    Project Management Services (Civil Infrastructure) LB279 - Strategic Planning, Project Management, Civil Infrastructure, Buildings and Facilities, Water and Sewerage, Coastal and Marine, Environmental and Waste Management.
>    Road, Water, Sewerage & Civil Works BUS270 - Road Construction and Maintenance, Road Resurfacing, Guardrail and Road Safety Barriers, Line Marking, Traffic Management, Pipework Installation, Pipe Relining and Rehabilitation, Water and Waste Treatment, Marine, General Civil Construction.
>    Water and Sewerage Products LB283 -  Pipes, Valves, Flow Meters (Including water meters), Pumps, Concrete & Civil Products.
>    Asset Management Services LB280 - General Asset Management, Strategic Asset Management (SAM), Asset Valuation & Financial Services, Tactical Asset Management (TAM), Operational Asset Management (OAM), Asset Management Digital Services.

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or contact us to find out more:

Debbie Spann 
Category Manager & Partner
P:  0447 083 438

Nicola Burgess 
Category Manager & Partner
P: 0429 815 779


Capital works